משנה מסכת עוקצין פרק ג משנה יב אמר רבי שמעון בן חלפתא לא מצא הקדוש ב"ה כלי מחזיק ברכה לישראל אלא השלום שנאמר (תהלים כ"ט) ה' עוז לעמו יתן ה' יברך את עמו בשלום:
Tractate Uktzin Chapter 3, Mishnah 12 Rabbi
Shimon ben Halifta said: The Holy One, Blessed Be He, did not find a
vessel to hold blessing save peace. As it says (Psalms 29:12) The
Lord will grant strength to his people, the Lord will bless his
people with peace.
this Rosh Hashannah eve, after our very hard summer here in Israel,
we come to wish each other blessings for the New Year. The mishnah
above, the last mishnah in the Talmud, comes to remind us that in
order for our blessings to hold they must come in the vessel of
verse from Psalms is read thusly: The Lord will grant his people
blessing with peace
– peace will be the vessel to hold the blessings. And with the
blessings held steadily by peace, the Lord will thereby grant strength to his
we merit the peace that will hold and keep our blessings throughout
the coming year and for always.
Shana tova
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